(302) 397-3500

Welcome to the Living Stone Network

As you come to him the living Stone – rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him – you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood….

                                        1 Peter 2:4-5b NIV



Announcement:  We are pleased to introduce a new Faith-based live stream/video-on-demand subscription Tv platform designed to host hundreds of hours of live, pre-recorded and on-deamand video content delivered in various formats featuring a diverse lineup of original and currated productions.  Official Launch, September 30, 2019. 

Welcome to LSNTV

Welcome to LSN TV

SUBSCRIBE TO LSNTV TODAY TO MAKE A WISE INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE... We are excited to introduce members of the Christian community and seekers of the Faith to subscribe to our new Live Stream/Video-On-Demand TV Platform.  This is a unique project in the sense that...

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Upcoming Events


January 2025

Video Creators and Producer Workshops:

The Month of September 2019..Details

Subscriber Recruitment  Campaign:

The Month of September 2019 …Details

Official Launch:

September 2019 @ 5pm-8pm …Details

Wanted: Diverse Voices of Faith Interested in Reaching Larger Audiences within the African American Community!

Clergy and non-clergy persons of Faith are invited to join our network as content providers and program producers with the capacity to create diverse formats of video content to engage, empower and transform the lives of our target viewing audiences. This platform is designed to help expand message/program delivery strategies while complimenting traditional social media and web presences as a result of joining our LSNTV team as a subject expert and program partner sharing your knowledge and wisdom with selected audiences through video productions broadcast live or prerecorded on our soon to launch subscription service live stream platform using the following format types:

Serving Communities and Transforming Lives

LSNTV is more than just another Live Stream/Video-On-Demand platform.  Our mission and purpose is to seek, create and provide Content that encourages every person that joins our Network community to become more involved in transforming lives, neighborhoods and the communities we call home.  The Church of Jesus Christ is a powerful institution that God established to make a difference in the earth and too ensure that all humanity (His Creation) would be able to live and enjoy an abundant, fruitful, peaceful and productive life.  As a Church family, we are all responsible for becoming a blessing to one another and too all humankind.  Join with us in making this platform one that helps to spread the Good News with the world as we work together to bring light and hope into places of darkness.

Welcome to Our Family

May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit

                                          Romans 15:13